Walks, strolls, hike or jaunt
If you are looking for inspiration to get out into the fresh air then you have come to the right place . Our team of collators are passionate about the great outdoors and have brought together in Where CanWeWalk.com many events, videos and related content.
Benefits of going for a walk
Fresh air, exercise and social activity are many reasons why getting out of the house for a few hours can be of benefit.
Content creators
A big thank you to all the many content creators who have taken the time & effort to record and publish their material.
UK and around the world
From rural to urban, from underground to mountain top this blue planet is full of smells, images and experiences.
Ecoflow – power for the great outdoors
Modern camping and outdoor living brings with it a host of gadgets and devices that all need to be powered.
Netwalks – get to know your business colleagues
If you fancy some time away from the office whilst finding out about your local surroundings and a bit more about your colleagues, then a Netwalk could be just the thing for you.
Continue Reading Netwalks – get to know your business colleagues
Snowdrop walks near me
Say goodbye to winter and celebrate spring with a snowdrop walk around a local garden.
Unique gifts for walkers
Here are a few ideas for gifts we have spotted on Etsy, a market place for crafters and small traders.
Billy Connolly, Glasgow walking tour
Born in Glasgow during 1942, Billy Connolly is known throughout the world as a comedian, artist and actor.
Things to do with Pooh
Two walks are designed to take you to all the notable locations from the books – the Short Pooh Walk is 0.6 miles (1km) and the Long Pooh Walk is 2 miles (3.25km).

Organisations promoting walking, safety and accessibility.
Let us know about your walk, event or guide
Help spread your great content by letting us know about in via our contact form
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